
Last Post of Year 2008 : How Much I Miss High School Life..

December 31, 2008
I went back to Form1 Orientation Day in CHS tdy..guess wat? I've nvr been to CHS Orientation Day! I've been to Orientation Day in Assunta Secondary when I was in Form1..I was accepted in Assunta as well as CHS..So I went Assunta first and then to CHS..It was never a regret to be in CHS..I miss high school..when I entered back CHS,feels like...

Memories of Year 2008

December 30, 2008
JanuaryCelebrated my 1st countdown with Jiunn Heng and his friends..Couldn't sleep properly when school starts..It's my last year of being high school student..must appreciate every single day of schooling..banyak homework!!Ms Teoh not teaching us anymore..and we cried! Went to decide what to study after SPM..It's also my last time visiting Gerko Day in Catholik High School - so I went every stall..hehe..joined Buddhist...

Amali Talk - For Driving

December 29, 2008
I went for the Amali talk for 6 hours today..I woke up early ar! Uncle fetch me 1st..then fetch another two girls..what a coincidence,uncle went and fetch Jia Chie after fetching me! and I didn't know it was Jia Chie..=_=..I even asked her which school she's from and stuff HAHA..till she said "I'm from Catholic lar!" haha..Saw Jia Le standing alone..I walked up...

Impossible To Forget

December 26, 2008
My birthday this year is very special and meaningful for me..I never had people doing so much for my birthday..I really really appreciate it..my first bday cake not bought by me..Many first time happened to me..First time I celebrated my birthday in Redbox Karaoke,First time people buying birthday cake for me..First time people planning a birthday party for me and invited so many...

My Sexy Seventeen and Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2008
wat's the day today?I've been looking forward for my birthday every year ever since I've entered 2A4 in year 2005..This is the time for us to gathered together and celebrate christmas together..Somehow,this year's birthday is a memorable ones..because after today,we wouldn't know when will we meet again..left school and entering college life..and last party as a high school student..Kah Men did this..so sweet~deco...

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