
Blogs Around The World

August 31, 2011

(In conjunction with 6th Blog Day celebrated by Nuffnang)

Have you ever stumbled upon an interesting and funny blog that leave a deep impact on you? A blog that makes you laugh when you read, gives you a strong drive in your life and tells you extraordinary things you've never heard of?

We all have our eyes on those blogs. We are all stoked and are looking forward to their post. We refresh it everyday just to check on their updates. Just like you, I have six amazing blogs from all around the world that I keep an eye on (like a hawk)

1. Color Me Katie (Brooklyn, New York)

Life is full of colour in a child's world. But why does the colour seem to turn to black and white as you grow up? It doesn't have to be in that way. I fell in love with this blog the first time I opened it. I enjoy how she make photos so much more meaningful and interesting. Just by seeing her photos gives me a strong giggly feeling inside. You will be impressed and inspired. She brings colours and fun to life. The name says it all.

2. My Milk Toof (Berkeley, California)

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When I was younger, I hide my baby tooth under my pillow because tales said it would make my wishes come true. One day, I found this blog online that talks about the adventure of Ickle and Lardee ! It was really cute and I was instantly addicted to the stories, and everyday is a new advernture. I have showed it to some of my friends and they read it from cover to cover and so will you.

3.Goop (Spain)


Whatever you want to make, go, get, do, be or see you'll find it all here. More of an all encompassing lifestyle blog, purportedly created by Gwyneth Paltrow, Goops covers everything on the periphery and axis in life, and so incredibly convenient to have all these things in one place. I mean, you just have to love the name.

4. Drone (Rohnert Park, California)


What is life without the music? But what is life without laughter? This blog talks about funny jokes and music parody that will crack you up. Well it's not just about music, but movies and celebrity joke. Please enjoy and try not to be too offended.

5. Shoes Never Worn (India)

Shoes Never Worn

A soldier and a writer? Really? This is one of the coolest blog I've ever read. He even had his novel published. Who ever knew that a man who barbarically fights could also be so elegant and poetic. He writes fiction and non-fiction books. It's very inspiring, "I am a typing monkey, with wings cackling to the Indigo Girls. Just look at my words. They’re much prettier."

6. My Life As Tofu Burger (Seattle, WA, United States)


Hello my name is Tofu Burger. Have you ever wondered what I have in mind when I stare at you with my big round bright eyes? Or what do I do to make you notice me? Read a dog's diary and his sunny outlook, this always makes my day better.

These blogs are from all over the world! You'll learn more, see more and read more from people of different background to you. Reading these blogs is a huge learning curve and eye opener to what is possible when you put your mind to it. You'll never know what's out there, unless you take the initiative to look.

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  1. wao,they are great huh.i like colourmekatie the most .hehe. thanks for sharing.Thet are really wonderful bloggers.:D

  2. Yeah they are great bloggers :) Very special ^^

  3. congrats for being chosen as nuffnang's blogger of the month

  4. Thank you everyone ! ~loves ♥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hah yeah. The tooth are cute eh? :D

  7. Nice header eh?
    Simple but cute..
    And congrats...

  8. I am looking around for hints of guideline as I was somehow lost with myself, and I am lucky to bump into your blog and this post. It gives me idea and inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing and writing :)

  9. wow i gotto learn a thing or 2 from their blog :)
    nice update anyway :)

  10. >ZaimKasture: thank u :)

    >curryegg: I'm glad u found idea and inspiration ^^

    >Ekkem: Yeah me too! haha. Thanks.

  11. Hi, congrats, will definitely enjoy the blogs you recommend. Happy Halloween and pls do drop by for my Halloween story.

  12. >Mr Lonely: Thanks :)

    >Most Desirable: Thank you. Hope you enjoy them.

  13. Thankyou for sharing those blogs, I particularly liked Milk Toof, it made my day!

  14. >Carlyn Girl: Glad it did :)


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