
Bazaar Ramadhan

August 08, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Bulan Ramadhan now and Selamat Berpuasa to all the Muslims out there :) I was so happy that New Zealand had Jualan Bazaar Ramadhan where they sell all malay foods =D yummm ! I used to visit those malay stall to buy kuih back in Malaysia. Ahhh, I missed it so much :)

I was surprised that the kuih and the nasi they selling here taste EXACTLY like Malaysia ! Authentic foods ! Well, it's not cheap if you convert it to RM but in NZD, it's consider very cheap

bought Nasi Minyak Ayam Masak Merah for $6.50
yummm it's soooooo delicious !
and this puding jagung for $2.00 =D I love eating kuih and this is really delicious !

Abang Den is selling it near Uni everyday. I was just expecting a so-so food but it is so delicious ! I am going back to buy from him tomorrow xD

Friday, August 5, 2011

The menu for today is Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa with sambal udang petai, ayam goreng tepung, and beef. All for $7.00. It's so cheap ! The portion is too big. I couldn't finish it =X
yummmm =D
went to watch Harry Potter And The Deadly Hallows Part II at Hoyts at night

Still remember I watched the first part for free thanks to Nuffnang :) But can't get free movie tickets here so, have to pay =X Luckily not much drunk people on the street tonight. It was pretty empty actually. Probably the weather is too cold to drink haha.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The weather was really too cold. I had nose bleed this morning. So scared because I never had nose bleed before back in Malaysia =X Luckily it dry up pretty quick.

Every weekend there will be Bazaar Ramadhan at Leith Street where people set up few stalls to sell malay food =D
was early and already there's many people !
I was like screaming when I saw the green-white kuih. Don't know what it's called but it's my favourite !!!
any lauk for $2.00
spot boyfriend paying for his food haha
oh yeah, my nose bleed this morning =____= I think my vascular plexus sensed the coldness (wtf, now I'm using word like vascular plexus LOL). But it was okay when I go to the bazaar. Except my nose now is like running tap.
curry puff for $2.00. It was just okay.
Green-white kuih ! $2.00 but I think got some package with the curry puff. =X AWESOME-NESS
popiah and the green kuih with gula melaka. I think also $2.00 for 1 packet.
And all the lauk ! Now we're just gonna make rice to eat with it yay ! =D

HUBS192 term test is just one week from now. Went to library with boyfriend and Devind to study together =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Since I had nose bleed last morning, and I took care of boyfriend when he was sick few days ago, it's his turn to take care of me now XD
he made me fried rice before he went out to library to study

While I was chilling at home, Siew Lee asked me to go to the Bazaar with her and since I am so desperate and satisfied with the food they are selling, I went with her =D It was so windy out there today ! COLD~ I thought Winter is like almost over T_T
Kuih Batik $2.00
Nasi Kerabu $6.50
Cendol $2.00

The Nasi Kerabu and Kuih Batik was nice =D but Cendol taste like sugar water only =X and the jelly also looks and taste weird =X

Monday, August 8, 2011

Was so lazy to cook so just went to the Bazaar again to get food =D Bought Nasi Minyak Ayam Masak Merah again with some desserts such as...
puding? I guess. Haha. There's another desserts that I bought but it taste awful and looks funny too. So I'm not gonna show you here haha.

I've been spending money put buying foods from Bazaar. Have to stop spending money to eat out and start cooking myself from now :) My stomach is happy with Malaysian foods for few days now, back to normal routine :)

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  1. lol your fave kuih is called kuih talam :)

  2. oh that's the name? LMAO thanks Carmen xD

  3. Speaking of which, I didn't go to any bazaar this ramadhan :P LOL

  4. You should. The foods will be cheap haha.


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