
We All Have Ability..The Difference Is How We Used It

July 26, 2009
I woke up at 7.05am..supposed to gather at 7.30am..I thought I was late!! I sms Mukand and then when I looked up,saw Mukand's turban(driving) in front of me..I knew I wasn't late haha!Li Lynn and LikiThe bus left around 8something and Li Lynn was sitting beside me..she just lost her hp so we were chatting about it..we both were very tired so we...

Treasure Hunt

July 24, 2009
This is very random..I didn't plan to join the A-Levels Treasure Hunt activity at all! We have mentor-mentee session for A-Levels once in every month,on friday but usually we don't have to do anything for mentor-mentee..just sign and go..I went to the UCAS talk at 2pm and after that,went to classroom SW 3-9 just to sign for mentor-mentee..then leave..but my mom wasn't there...


July 22, 2009
Aiyaa..should have taken a picture of it since I brought my camera..It happened like this..My chemistry lab caught a small fire..we were supposed to do chemistry practical on organic chemistry..as you know,alcohols are highly flammable..so..when I was heating up the 5 chemicals..suddenly I heard "poooooooof" and a bright light behind me..when I turned behind..OMG I saw kinda huge fire and it was just...

Bon Odori 2009

July 19, 2009
Last year Bon Odori memories ----> Click hereI remember last year,Carmen and I said that we wanted to go together again this year but she went to Japan..Carmen,they have Bon Odori in Japan? I think so LOL Anyway,the 2A4 gang went to MV in the morning..it was a last minute plan and I was still sleeping that time so I didn't go..I had...


July 14, 2009
Guess who's this??can guess already??hiding under my jacketaiyer..damn poser la!!Happy Birthday to my love love love love love love love love love!!!!!Hippy is 5 years old today..I know he is old..but he's still like a small baby to me..I had Hippy since I was in form 1..I got it from my tuition teacher because her doggy just gave birth and since I got...

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