Within a week since I am back from New Zealand, I was fortunate to be invited to attend the launch Malaysian Federation Against Copyright Theft (MFACT) DVD by Minister of Higher Education and Premiere of Life of Pi!! Thanks to Elwyn for bringing me as his partner :) We were early birds that day and were welcomed by the staff there, offering us...
Finally I am coming back to Malaysia!! Can't wait to go shopping and eat awesome foods!!! Did final packing today and had Capers as proper breakfast because I know it will be a long way back home. Davence came and sent Brynn and I =D It's the first time Brynn going back to Malaysia after 3 years and most importantly he is with...
Hello everyone! Long time no see :) I have just finished my last exam last Saturday and I'm finally done with my second year!!! It was so torturing because everyone finishes their exam before mine even started and my exam started with two papers in a day, plus last day of University exam was my last day of exam too. But I'm so...