Golden Disk Awards 2012

January 17, 2013

Yayyyy, I attended the first concert this year in Malaysia! Actually I don't think it's a concert, it's more like a award ceremony but, oh well, I get to see people performing live on stage! When Kelly called me and asked if I wanna attend, I was like "yes yes I want I want!" And then "ermmm, what is it about?" LOL.

I have no idea about korean songs and artists. Not really a fan of them but since Kelly invited me and I was free, why not? =)

The event held at Sepang F1 Circuit, Gold Coast. Man, I feel confident about my driving because I drove to Malacca last month (hint to next post =D) and now I drove to Sepang wooohooo! Kelly, am I good? =D

So here am to the toilet LOL
Sopoh Kelly and me
We got it all for free from Vanity Dreams
The event itinerary. It's still far from the entrance. Prolly about 5-10minutes walk
We're on the racing track!
Reached there early and sat down. We're like having picnic over there.
I feel like we're having picnic over there more than watching a concert. The rockpit area was pretty empty and we get to sit and eat, drink, watch the stage while we're on the ground.
Group picture of us =D

Although there was increasing number of people towards the start of the event, we still have space to sit and watch the stage while we're sitting. This is much better than the MTV World Stage I attended last time.
This was taken on the second day of the event. T-Ara! I think the ONLY korean group I knew because of my flatmate, Davence. Oh wait, he introduced BEAST to me too. My flatmate =.=
 Oh, I THINK this is a korean group called Secret? Don't kill me if I had it wrong. LOL.

There were lots of korean singers and famous ones, though, I barely know anything about them. Kelly and I didn't understand korean so when they were giving speeches, we wished there was subtitles LMAO. BUT, one thing I know is, SONG OF THE YEAR 2012 is GANGNAM STYLE. Who doesn't know that? =P

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