
Dance Competition Day(Grand Finale)

December 16, 2007

It was really unpredictable that we got in TOP5..really..this time, we didn't overnight at Kelly's..because..it's like not good to overnight at people's house twice in a week right?-not trying to talk about you, Jiunn Heng..haha..-anyway, I went to buy hairspray colour in the morning..I bought silver colour ('m gonna change it to blue)..you'll know why..
this honk can burst my eardrums
I love playing wit this pepsi..inside got stone..so got sound!!

We have rehearsal at 3pm in Wisma Fga, Old Klang Road..we reached there around 1pm..went out to buy some food and drinks..then practise again..Kelly got the pressure again..Shi Ning and I continue to shoot her..she got so upset and fed up that she say "please don't shoot me anymore, I'm not feeling well d..my stomach is aching"..hmm..she really got to know how to catch up!! We have 2 times 2 rehearse and 1st time rehearsal, Kelly was totally OUT of timing!!ARGH!!2nd time also..So Shi Ning and I say..fine..jus let it be..

We then go take a shower..set our hair (for free) and make up and eatomg...I look like ghost..

but, I love my hair

..the box of rice cost RM2 per box..we are really rushing time again..LATE!! What's worse is that...we are the 1st to compete!!!waaaaaaaaaaa...so unlucky!! nvm lar..We just go and do our best lor..before we compete, it's the singing competition..the guy sing halfway then no music..then he sing without music..so COOL!!!the small kid hitting the drum when we competing..support!!so cute!!

When we perform, I wasn't nervous at all..just serious..well the judges commented that we should practise our expressions..look in the mirror more often..err...just so u know, I look into the mirror like..more than 20 times per day..haha..(look at Kelly's hair..like Ah Ma)

nvm..Mark, is da ONLY friend that came to support..I'm so touched..he came alone somemore..haihz..feel so bad though..he somemore help me record the video..thanks Mark!!

While waiting to announce the results..we already sure that we won't win..yea it's true..we lost..but get in Top5..we are really proud of that...since, we don't have a coach..every group has a coach..and songs, dance routine, choreography, costume, we did all ourselves...I'm proud of that..Love u, Faith...Confident.Trust.Glamorous. FOREVER!!

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