
Exam Stress

February 23, 2008
Oh PLS tel me why does dis all happen 2 me..nt onli me..all Form 5 dis year..Dun laugh..it's reli nt funny..A vry vry shocking news announced early in da morning tdy..Originally,our exam starts on 29th of February..now they moved it 4ward on 28th February..Tt's ok..but..here's our original time-table:-29th Feb 2008 -BI & Sej3rd March 2008 -BM & Physics4th March 2008 -EST & Math5th...

Last Day Of Chinese New Year

February 22, 2008
Didn't wish 2 end Chinese New Year so fast..y does Malay onli had 2 days of Raya but 15 days of holiday while chinese got 15 days of New Year but onli 6 days of holiday?It's not fair..Anyway,last day of CNY=China's White Valentine=Chap Goh Mei(I thnk)..V celebrate 2 days of Valentine..tt's y u shld b a chinese..^^..LOL..I sound like a racist all of...

New Year Party @ Zhen Yoong's hse

February 17, 2008
Yay!!Anthr new year party..so far,in year 2008,I enjoyed a lot..nvr hang out wit fwens so much in my life..keke...anyway,after dance lesson so went Zhen Yoong's hse to partyyyyy..Was late agn..LOL..say tt his hse was near Chen Moh..where gt walking distance?LOL..but it's tt area lar..went der n many ppl was even later than me like Ren Hong,Tzen Haw,Eng Yuan n Jun Mun cz they...

New Year Party @ Mun Hon's hse

February 16, 2008
Was absent 2 skl tdy cz bai tien kong ytd..so slept vry late..tdy oso gonna sleep late cz it's PARTYYYY time!!Went Mun Hon's hse kinda late..evry1 had their dinner d..I haven't..Wei Ji,Astin,Metook through webcamguess which is mine--blueI thnk dis is our 1st photo tghr=_=#1Kun Heng ar!#2 dis is bettersexy baboonretarded zhen yoongblur Mun Honwei ji's yam converEng Yuan's butt is jus too irresistableAstin---MehuggieskissyLOL..I...

Valentine Day

February 15, 2008
yes..tdy is da day where guys giving presents 2 da girl they like n girls hoping 2 receive presents..Guys,did u giv?Girls,did u receive? If u didn't,it's ok..It's jus a day 2 express ur love nt onli 2 ur boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife but also 2 ur fwens,family n thcrs..I went skl late..however,ytd when I went 2 Living Cabin(2 buy Wei Ji's presents),I saw many high skl...

~Valentine Tag~

February 12, 2008
Is valentine's day important to you?-Yeap..U dun nid 2 hav gf or bf 2 celebrate!Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?-Too many..boyfriend gt Cj,Calvin..Girlfriend gt Kah Men,Sum Hooi,Lee LiHow long have you been in a relationship with him/her?-who?Do you have a crush?-NopeWhat do you think of him/her?-Who?so many ppl..What is the best Valentine's Day Celebration have you ever had?-I'm waiting..^^What type of...

After A Long Decade...

February 11, 2008
I finally meet up wit Lee Li..(nt reli long decade)..I rmb da last time when I saw Lee Li was..can't rmb..She said she's coming my hse at 10am...but when I woke up at 10,30am,she's stil nt here =_=Finally she's here at 12pm..love ur taTOoCame wit her sexy curly hair..She went 2 a birthday party last nite at Shangri-La..It was a 7 years old...

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