
Nail Art

September 30, 2008
Just trying to break the monotony in my life,I start painting my nails..weeeeee~~Each time during holidays,I'll draw patterns and colour my nails..For dis Raya holiday..my nails pattern is...Taaa-daaaa!!RAWRRR!!Kawaii eh?Got inspired by Hippy..XD..When I got time,I wanna try all these..It's so cute!!Found it all frm the net:Sesame Streets..Spongebob SquarePants..Junk Foods!!Hello Kitty!!And my favourite of them all..Totoro!!!Me suka larrr!!So cute..me loveeeee..When I have more time,I'll...

Here I Go Again..

September 27, 2008
Mamma mia, here I go againMy my, how can I resist you?Mamma mia, does it show again?My my, just how much I've missed you,I've been brokenheartedBlue since the day we partedWhy, why did I ever let you go?Mamma mia, now I really know,My my, I could never let you go.This movie is seriously..fantastic!!love the songs..love the story..love the actors..Such a sweet and funny...


September 25, 2008
I finished my trials today..wasn't too happy..or sad..>.<..ANDDD Ms Ong say she's giving bak our math paper tml..awww...I dun wanna get bak my results so soon..I'm not prepared!!I seriously thnk I did badly..*pray hard*P/S: Xian Tze!!!recover quick and come bak to skl!!dun stay in hospital so long...blekk..Get Well Soon =) ...

You Know Who You Are..

September 23, 2008
YOU PISSED ME OFFI may seemed a lil quiet during exam but that doesn't mean u can USE meIt's unfair for meYou shld change your attitudeYou're taking it for grantedI couldn't concentrate exam when you're acting like thatI don't want to talk to youI don't want to see youGET AWAY FROM ME!! ...

It's Time To Change

September 19, 2008
Been using tt same blogskin for more than half a year and I get bored of it already - I do like it >.<..So right after skl - more like right after exam,I went home n on9 for 9 hours?LOL..Sry lar..need 2 destress..>.<..Suddenly got mood 2 change blogskin plus Kah Men helped out so,jus change onli lor..lol.. I took quite a long time...

You Ask Me How?I Also Dunno Worr..

September 17, 2008
I looked outside the window..I stared at the structure question..and I looked outside the window agn..knowing nothing to write..I dun even noe how 2 crap..I hope da essay part save me..It's da 1st time I felt Sejarah is difficult..I dun even have confident whether I'll pass or not..I went outside my balcony and looked up the sky..I've never celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival since form...


September 14, 2008
SPM Trials is stil on..For another 2 weeks..So how can you destress?1) Exercise!even if you go for a walk for 5-10 minutes..it will help your body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins (a natural tranquilizer) - My Biology not bad huh..Not to mention you will not only feel better, you will also look the part..2 Stretching can also help you fell...

All I Could Do Is Study..

September 13, 2008
What is Biology?Biology is the study of life..Our school trials for Biology came out exactly same as last years trials - jus a slight change..LOL?I should have stole Chin Seng's paper frm Chin Ming..I thnk I just broke my own record - studying 1 subject in 1 day..no wait..not even 1 day..few hours..LOL..I dunno how laaaaaaa~Koon Rui cooked lunch 4 me..wahaha..and I'm stil...

Day By Day

September 07, 2008
FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 5,2008HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOLIOW CHERN JUNG!!!I miss hanging out wit you..those days..I'm sry I couldn't celebrate bday wit u..Trials is coming plus I hav LPS Installation tdy..Hope u had a great day tdy!!Studied in McD wit Jason and othr ppl - Aaron,Jay Wvin,Wei Hong..etc..Sry Jason,I thnk I annoyed u tdy cz I'm too stress..>.<..Seriously,I am pressured seeing evry1 started studying..they are REALLY studying..sum...

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