
You Can Lose..Or If You Want To Win,You Can Change..

April 30, 2009
I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm happy. I'm sad. I'm angry. I'm worried. mixed feelings!Wei Lon fetch me to Yik Luei's house..from there,Yik Luei sent me,Wei Lon,Meu Ye and Briana to SJK(C) Yuk Chai..OMG tt skl damn pro..Primary skl only..they have lift!!! Dang! We were late..got scolded by a very rude guy..He is so DAMN rude I tell you! I should have taken his...


April 27, 2009
The tale of colours..It's another production of the Youth Ministries of FGA KL..Lily and I almost forget about the show!Paroimia means parable..A parable is a story with deeper meaning; a meaning that goes beyond the words used or the story-telling methods employedThe show starts at 6pm at Wisma FGA KL,where I had my dance competition with Shi Ning last time..but it's in the...

Class 5S5 Gathering

April 26, 2009
Wooooo-hoooooooooo,I am so excited for the class gathering tonight..to see back my old classmates!! >.<...we've been classmates for 2 years and it's actually our first gathering this year..I am so excited!!!I think it was Mun Hon's idea for this gathering..anyway..thanks so much for those who made it!! T____T I'm really happy to see back my old classmates!! We were supposed to meet in...

Sunshine Of My Life

April 22, 2009
People says,friends are sibling who God failed to makeWhen I first step in CHS is form1,I was a bitch..No..I'm not joking,I WAS a bitch..CJ keeps mentioning it till now..haha! Entering CHS is something that affects my life entirely..and especially being in class 2A4 in year 2005..that's where my life journey truly begins..Never had I've seen anyone who's so close like us before..Never I've...

Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang 2009

April 18, 2009
It's my second time attending the Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang in my school..Not including my performances lar then it should be the second time..the first time was when I get straight As' for PMR..Kah Men was there with me =)back in year 2006..Omg..see how young we all looked! Wei Ji-Kah Men-Liki-Wei ChuenI'm not late for the ceremony!! weeeeeeeeeee~ I reached on time and registered...

Crazy Over Heels

April 12, 2009
I'm very very very happy =D...MUAHAHAHA!!My friend should have told me earlier!! It's just in front of my college and beside Monash University!! It's on since Wednesday!! If I knew it,I think I'll go every single day after college with Lily XDahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *morescreamingandyelling*Having small size leg wasn't that bad after all..I found out about this warehouse sale from my friend on the last...

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