Elder Brother's Birthday!
April 09, 2009I skipped musical today..It's my elder bro's be-early birthday and I need to help my mom to prepare for tonight..I went home..and lepak with Lily..doing my homework while she's playing with my laptop..
She was so into her conversation with her friends and I was so into my homework and we both didn't realised my bro's fwen reached already..As soon as we knew about it,Lily and I walked down quickly to grabbed some food..fuhhhhh,they haven't even prepared the BBQ (around 8something)..I was basically chatting with Lily whole day..but my bro's fwen are very friendly..they talked to me as well..and they're so funny XP..the guys..
Look at my face!! It's soooo red!! I was burning chicken for Lily XD
I left it there XP
and Lily burned one for me as well
She's eating mine and I'm eating hers
I then realised all of them are from CHS except one or two..no wonder they talked about CHS is their second home..one of them even talked about their sleep talk..asking another of their friend"ehhh,tomorrow you wanna go school a not?"..I guessed they miss CHS a lot too =)Lily on the left and I'm on the right
weeeeeeeeee~ Friendship love ^^
one last photo before she left..
Ahhh,the food is good..Happy birthday to my elder bro!! =)let me see if I rmb their names..From left: Koon Rui,my younger bro,Steven,Edward,my elder bro,Kit Leong,Khai Liang,Jing Hui,Kian Yung,can't see the face,zhang yao?,chai...hmmmm
Nvm..at least I rmb most of their names XD