
Malacca For The Third Time

September 21, 2009

Hey guys! haha! It's holiday now isn't it? How did you guys spent it? =) We must use this holiday wisely hehe..

I know said I didn't wanna blog again..at least until my exam are over but I just couldn't get my hands off the laptop! Felt quite irresponsible to just leave my blog dead like that (trust me,it's not easy to have 800+ readers) I don't want to lose any of them =( I'll try to blog as often as I can..hehe

Monday -> I updated already
Tuesday -> Physics extra class
Wednesday -> Went for surgery..successful =)
Thursday -> Times Square
Friday -> Home
Saturday -> Home
Today -> Malacca

This is like my third time going to Malacca in a year..This time I went with 2 of my cousins,my aunty and my family too =)
I looked pale..but nope..it's the make up effect..applied "ice" make up..heard of it?
yes Malacca! (again)
I have fat round face larh..
stopped by some shop to buy food
not fair I'm shorter than my 16 years old cousin!
the traffic was terrible! stucked here for like 10mins..
fountain =)
so many ppl..
and now lesser..
my cousin sister and I =)

Everywhere is like jam! So many people and I don't like the crowds..walked walked then stopped..walked walked then stopped..I didn't stop to see things but stop because the person in front of me stopped..So many people lerrr!! Waited more than half an hour to eat the famous chicken rice ball in Malacca..while waiting,I toured around with my brothers and cousins..
My younger brother and I
I'm the KING!!
My elder brother,me,my cousin brother and my younger brother
looks like those old times house..
walking the way through..
knock knock,anybody in?when I peeked it,saw some printed pictures LOL
Ahhhhhh rice ball! So hungry~
the water falling from the sky!

After filling our stomach..we went for a walk around..sooo many people T_____T
quickly snapped this when nobody is around
Liki and Evon
my solo picture LOL
I've been to Malacca 2 times this year but every took the photo here..
everyone that went..owh,my dad wasn't inside because he was holding the camera XD
My brother and I
damn poser LOL
posing here since it was like..abandoned at one side..
suddenly saw the performance at road side..haha

Walked back to Jonker Street around 8pm and OMG..the road is like..stucked!! Soooo many people!! I could hardly breathe in there!! Although the shop that we're heading to is quite near,I think it took us about 15minutes to walk to that shop..when we reached there..damn disappointing..No more Cendol and Laksa already!! =( It was only 7.45pm!! So we went to Nadese to eat 7-layered cake..not sure u guys had before but it's damn delicious!

We're lost on our way there..so many cars everywhere..went wrong way and got stucked in the jam again =__= Reached after 50minutes? gosh..the jam is terrible! We ordered a tea pot..and the waiter only gave one cup..I asked for another cup and the waiter scolded me..I guessed,it must be festive season..they have good business until the waiter scold customer! I stared at him,with my shocked face..he looked away and then walked away..my mom went and talked to the bos..then he bos apologized and gave us what we want..
OMG RM 5.00 for 100 Plus? Coke Also! 7-Up also! RM4.00 for mineral water? =____=

Damn suck lor..the terrible crowds..traffic jam..and 50minutes of driving this is the customer service we get? Terrible..terrible..

After having the cake,my cousin said she wanted to taste Laksa before leaving..since there's a food court nearby,we went there to eat..
my cousin and I
Didn't know Newton makes Rojak! lol..if u get what I mean..
Nyonya Laksa!

Went home around 10.30pm..reached home about..2am? hmmm..thought I would be very tired but haha! My family were watching comedy downstairs and me,online-ing and chatting LOL
saw this on the way back..Facebook? LOL

Conclusion: Stay home during Festive Season

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  1. well, such a wonderful trip... but what's makes me feel terrible is da coke and 7-up price...summore da mineral water... really "xin tong de gan jue" XD


    tis 1 looks scary... looks like... er, u know la... XD

    The laksa look nice... XP

    so far u didn't change a lot, still as pretty as a flower~

    by the way, what surgery u have???

  2. haha yeah had fun =) except for the crowds =(..soo many people around..yeah I was shocked when I saw the menu..but I didn't order that la..

    LOL why scary? I don't get it LOL..

    hehe thanks =)

    Owh I did surgery on my gums there..cz when I smile too hard can see the gum very obvious so I remove my gum by 1mm LOL

  3. hmmmmm shut down your blog ehhhh??

    hahaha anyway glad that you have fun bibi =) relax and dun so tension during these holidays yea. thats what holidays are for XD

  4. oh... because of beauty lo XD
    but it's ok
    girls needs to be pretty wat X3

  5. >Blazin' Beta : sorry la..can't get my hands off ma..>.< haha yeah..you too! U seemed more tense than me..take care =)

    >Aaron CF : haha..yeah lor..sacrifice for beauty again..leng lui hard to be haha

  6. but good to be leng lui XP

    fulls of advantages XD

  7. true true..so I wanna be more leng!


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