Happy TWO years to Pink Latte!
I've been blogging for 2 years in Pink Latte already =D All my memories and footprints in the sand..To my loyal Pink Latte readers,Thanks for your support all along..Without you,my blog won't be alive =)
Happy Birthday to my younger brother as well!!
15 years old ady!! May all your wishes come true =)
My dad brought back a Plasma TV..haha not ours lah..he just wanna TRY at home..it's from his work used for set up wan..Yeap it works and damn cool! 45" wide you know! Can enjoy for one night haha!
Currently my dad is handling iFeel Girl Search Events..yay! yay! yay! I can get free gifts again! last year I got all cosmetic sets..free magazines..free shampoo..free body wash..etc..yay! yay! yay! =DDDDD oh,my dad says Amber Chia sister joined - Pinky Chia..she's 19years old and contestant number 2!
This time the event held in Times Square..should I go and watch?