Today is Wesak Day..everyone is having holiday while I am having exams..2 papers by the way..FML..It is the worst paper combination ever! Mathematics Paper 3 and Physics Paper 4 T____TDue to too much stress,I have no appetite to eat at all yesterday..I only had kaya bread of breakfast,peanut bread for teatime and sausage bun for dinner..And also,I did not managed to sleep the...
I practically typing this with a super big smile on my face :DThe Maxis Scholarship Awards 2010 takes place on 29th April 2010 in JW Marriott Hotel..Spot anyone yet? Erm not me =_= I did not apply for scholarships..Spot for the person same surname as me =DSee properly =DCongratulations to Chee Jiunn Heng for receiving the Maxis ScholarshipLook how proud his mom and...
Fresh Look Illuminate is giving out FREE trial daily disposable lenses held in conjunction with Ciba Vision's 30th Anniversary :)Rainie Yang as the brand ambassadorI received my lenses about 2 weeks after I sent my request..was so excited when my mom gave this to me LOL3 days free trial daily disposable lensesalong with 30% Off voucher when you purchase the second box of...
19 May 2010 : Mathematics Paper 4 and Physics Paper 120 May 2010 : Chemistry Paper 325 May 2010 : Physics Paper 328 May 2010 : Mathematics Paper 3 and Physics Paper 431 May 2010 : Chemistry Paper 2 and Chemistry Paper 58 June 2010 : Chemistry Paper 49 June 2010 : Physics Paper 2 and Physics Paper 510 June 2010 : Chemistry...
I don't fancy horror movies :D It takes me about 2 years to get proper sleep after watching 15minutes of Ju-On..stop laughing ==I think this movie was not bad,the graphic and sound effect is good! Though the ending was quite expected..If you like horror movie,but afraid to watch like me then you can watch..Other people's commented it wasn't that scary..I've never seen the...
I didn't have class..Yesterday was the last day of college for S3 students..but since I was a S4 student,I came today..just to take picture with my college mates and lecturers :Dhere's all of us..this is Mr.Yong Yau..he is very cute! He said "I must take one picture and let Brynn jealous" LOLthis is Mr.Lee Choo Sik..I'm so gonna miss his joke hahaTeng Jong...
Today is the last day of college..many lecturers were not teaching today except for our Physics lecturer because he hasn't finished teaching..still got a little bit left but we're still gonna come back for extra class =)Was studying in the library with Mukand and Carmen was beside me too! XDthe smallest size eraser I've ever used until..Mukand was impressed XDAlso,we were all busy...