
CHS Choir Gathering 2011

January 30, 2011
I love CHS Choir! I joined my high school choir ever since I was in Form 1 all the way until I finished high school and even after I finished high school,I am still attached with them! I get to know the seniors as well as the current juniors now! They are all so cute and friendly :DWe meet up and have lunch...

Not According To Plans

January 29, 2011
As you have read in my previous post,I ended up being in Sunway Pyramid instead of 1Utama and I was supposed to meet with the bloggers for lou sang at 7.00pm in 1Utama..My friend was on the way sending my home and suddenly he decided to take me to a Farewell..I was charging my camera at home and I didn't bring it out!...

Lunch With A4 Gangsters

January 28, 2011
Woke up early in the morning to wait for my parcel..my house doorbell spoil..but I have backup doorbell..HIPPY!!! Thank goodness I have Hippy because he will bark at anyone who stopped by my house :D I was in toilet when he barked at the Pos Laju guy XDWas supposed to meet up with the A4 Gangsters two days ago but it was canceled...

New Facebook

January 26, 2011
Facebook has recently changed everyone's profile to the new layout..which is quite revealing because all your info are exposed LOLMy favourite thing about the new Facebook is how the five tagged photos are at the top beside the Profile pictureI thought it would be fun to make a collage of myself by chopping my eyes and my ears and my hair wtfTa-daaaaa..Am quite...

Lunch And Snowflake With Jayren

January 26, 2011
It has been so long since I meet up with Jayren..We used to hang out,go for screenings and events together but I haven't meet up with him in 2011! Today is the first day I meet with him this year LOLhis bottle says it all haha!We had lunch at Jojo Little Kitchen before heading to Snowflake for dessert =DJayren was surprised how empty...

Maybelline Super Film Party

January 24, 2011
Thanks to Nuffnang for giving me the opportunity to attend the Maybelline Super Film Party..The dress code for today is Superhero but it was too rush for me to get the costumes so I just went with my pink dress I just bought yesterday!it was cloudy and was about to rain T____Tthe registration..Superhero recruitmentthe stage..the superhero emceeintroducing the new Maybelline the Magnum Volum'...

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