
The Week Before HUBS191 Term Test 2

May 20, 2011

Tuesday,May 17,2011

I am starting to love Food Science lab ! At first, we couldn't really catch up because we need to cook and eat and do discussion plus evaluation for every lab session..we don't have enough time ! But now, we are adapted to it already and cooking with science knowledge can be kinda fun !

baked fish and stew fry vegetables plus tempeh in the lab today :D

Wednesday,May 18,2011

Went to boyfriend's place to study today..Exam is coming real soon ! I skipped all lectures today (except Chemistry) to prepare for the exam..yeah, last minute preparation @_@
and he bought me Winter Melon Tea ! Ahhhhh memorable CNY drinks

Thursday,May 19,2011

Made Penang Har Mee for lunch today..Love it !!
too bad I don't have prawn haha !

Friday,May 20,2011

Went to CELS191 lab today..Was so sleepy because was up studying until 2am last night and Siew Lee came to my place to study as well =X
got this Frog chocolate because I answered question correctly in lab..they only give out 2 chocolates per lab..So proud of myself because I raise my hand to answer the question..not everyone does that ok >:( Even Brynn doesn't get the Frog chocolate before hehehehe!

Oh well, it's exam tomorrow ! Wish me luck !

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