

June 20, 2012

My blog is so dead. I know that. I have no idea where and how to start writing. This whole semester has been a roller coaster for me. It's like testing me on how well I can cope with my emotional and analytical thinking at the same time. F big time. I'll try to keep this whole story short on what happened during my missing in action period.

1) While everyone is taking 3 subject this semester, I took 4. This is because I want to compete into getting dietetics and they'll only look at our final year results. Everyone will be doing 3,3,3,3 subjects in their second and third year.What I did was 4,3,2,3. If you don't get it, nevermind LOL.

2) The total points in my 4 subject would be equal to one and half semester point. And I squeezed it all to one semester. I still remember my horrible timetable was 8am-8pm with no break AT ALL on Friday, until I went and did changes.

3) Working in food industrial kitchen as my lab. So tiring, cooking for 200-300 residents, can't even remember how many tears I shed to cut onions. I even need to memorise how to work the equipment and everything in the kitchen. Not a home kitchen but an food industrial kitchen. One of the major incident that happened during my lab was when the TOXIC + HAZARDOUS + CORROSIVE alkaline chemical cleaner ENTERS MY EYES and I had to go to EMERGENCY. It's not that bad working in a kitchen but...I just feel so tired this whole semester!! Oh, not to mentioned, it's 7-8 hours per lab.

4) Lazy. Besides studying, doing assignment, sleeping,.....I pretty much just don't feel like doing anything ELSE - including blogging. So....yeah. =)

The subjects in this semester is not difficult. It is the combination of subject that kills my brain cell. I didn't really want to work my ass off in the first semester of second year, plus, my target/aim is still in the final year. So although I DID study and handed in my assignment, I will find time to enjoy, like watching youtube videos, watching drama with boyfriend and etc.

I JUST FINISHED MY FINALS TODAY (fml it's the last day of whole uni exam as well) AND IT MARKS THE END OF MY FIRST SEMESTER WOOOOHOOOOOOO. Now I need to pray everyday that I pass every single paper. Please pray for me.

It feels weird because suddenly, I just don't know what should I do. LOL.

One thing I know for sure is ----> make my blog alive.

I might blog more than one post in a day. WOOOHOOOOOOOOO~~~~~

Now where should I begin.

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  1. woohoo ! Great to hear updates from you ! I feel you ! i'm tired as well . lol . Blog more ! =D

  2. Thank you so much =) Yeap working on the next post now.


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