I am not good at keeping updates on my blog, which you'll probably noticed from the decline in the number of post from my archives. Making updates on a blog requires effort. It requires thinking, writing, reading, editing and proofreading. Most importantly, it needs time. Sometimes it even feels like submitting an assignment. I hope I can get organised within this few weeks. It...
Well, hello to the first day of my holiday! I just finished the final exam of my masters yesterday. It was...okay. We were really pushed for time but I guess we'll just have to wait and find out how it goes. I am not done with my masters yet though. It is a two years course so next year I will be doing...
Let's say if I keep a diary everyday (which I don't), the word that will appear on every single page would be: stress stress stress stress stress stress stress Ah, hopefully it will be over soon! The last exam of my life is going to be in a few more days! Unless I decided to take another degree...NOT I have already started on...
When people tells you to "run like a girl", what comes to your mind? When people tells you to "run like a girl", what comes to your mind? ...
Hello bolehland, I am back!! It feels so good to be back home. I get to escape Winter, and spend some time with my family. I don't usually come back Malaysia during mid-semester break but it was special case this time. Also I have 5 weeks holiday (while others having exam, good luck!), so coming back was alright afterall! I finished my exam...
When I am back in Kuala Lumpur, I always wanted to go eat, shopping, and more importantly to hang out with my friends. However, every time I came back for holiday, my friends are either working already or studying overseas. I wanted to eat nice food but travelling everywhere requires car (and this is the major problem). Just when I have the chance...
Today I am going to share with you a very cute bakery shop that I have recently visited. It was recommended by my very best friend, Kelly, but the first time she brought me there was on a Tuesday and it was closed. So remember do not go there on Tuesday!! I have been longing for delicious cake and this is the perfect...
First post in 2014. So, there has been a few questions that was frequently asked. To update myself, I shall answer this in a Q&A style, like an interview eh? Q: I heard that you graduated. What's next? A: Guess what? I got accepted into Master of Dietetics in University of Otago! Only 33 places are offered this year and I was lucky...