Retirement : World's Longest Coffee Break.
July 05, 2008Today is our "retirement" in choir..omg..sound so damn old..Dan Shiow!!Stop counting down 2 Installation!!It sounded like u wanted us 2 retire so fast..=_=..
I was shocked when Chin Ming told me"TIEN YI is BAKKK!"..I was like"I told u.." =_=..he say she's in skl so I went n look around..found her..nyahaha..stil da same Tien Yi..her face a bit plumpish but stil thin lar..I keep screaming "TIEN YIIII" when I c her..can't help it..miss her so much..
So Tien Yi was like"I wanna go choir!" CJ so evill..he say"they dun even noe hu r u larr"..fine..but nvm lar..those tt rmb her sure miss her lorr..I bet he sure miss his job..
me-Tien Yi-Meu Ye-Raymond
Tien Yi loveeee 2 take photo..
Wei Lon and Shawn..
announcing new AJK..
Raymond got special award by Pn.Yap..
New AJK!!
Xinyi-Yi Ming-Meu Ye-Calvin
my brilliant glass cup..did it for seniors last installation..
Li Kee + CJ = Jin Yee..he took over mine n Cj's pose..
kawaii pianist-Kheng Hoe..hamster!!
Meu Ye-me..
Liki and bearrr
mama and me =)
weee..v're goin 4 lunch..
since Raymond said he's x prepared,he wants a 2nd shot..
notice how nice da sky is..
Special thank to Wei Lon and Xinyi..for..*u noe wat*..and not forgetting Raymond!!thank u!!