
New Year Visit @ Tik Lam and Kah Men's hse

January 31, 2009

Woo-hooo..Today is a really great day..I can finally 'feel' the CNY feel..XD..It was my stupid idea to gather some choir senior to go to Tik Lam's house to give him a surprise coz he's going bak to NS on this sunday..T__T..So I thought to surprise him since he miss us so much..haha..Did I mentioned I suck at organizing this kinda thing? >.< Wei Lon is the driver!! and I'm giving the direction!!

We gathered in front of 7-11(our skl wan) at 9.50am..and then Wei Lon supposed to fetch all of us to Tik Lam's house..but four person turn up bcz evry1 seemed to be so busy..Chia Feng ffk..CJ say he in Sg Buloh..Yi Ming and Juliana no reply..only us got the choir semangat XD..But I'm glad still got ppl turned up..

We got lost in Damansara..looking for Tik Lam's house..And went big U-Turn..Wei Lon's car was damn comfortable-duhh expensive car ma..and his driving skill was damn good..I mean the best!..I think I said that he vry yeng for more than 5 times ler..and then Wei Lon was like "fly or not?"..I'm supposed to be the person who give direction since I'm the only one tt had been to Tik Lam's house..but it was like..2 years ago? I dun rmb weyy >.<four of us reached Tik Lam's house safely

I told Tik Lam to prepared breakfast for 4 person..and told him lame reasons that my brother want to eat LOL..and when Tik Lam give direction..Wei Lon act like my dad..haha!! But we failed bcz Tik Lam figured out =_=..but still a surprise cz he didn't expect to see Miaw Fen and Shi Ning XD
the special watermelon juice..

We chat a lot to keep each othr updated..Each of us has different story..Tik Lam told him about his NS..how lame was it..how he was disconnected frm the world..I still rmb him saying that when the ppl cut his bald head halfway then hujan liao..and the person say cut tml LOL..summore they cut starting frn middle..damn funny!! and sum ghost story in NS..Wei Lon talked about his college..I talked about my college..Miaw Fen talked about CHS and choir while Shi Ning talked about her working place..
cheerleader and singer
Liki and Miaw Fen
Wei Lon(Bass)-Liki(Soprano)-Miaw Fen(Alto)
Liki and Wei Lon
the girls said "Gong Xi Fa Cai"
Liki and Shi Ning
eat eat eat!! CNY must eat!! XD
Liki and Miaw Fen
5 years friendship..and still counting ^^..Tik Lam a.k.a Baloo and Lik
we all invaded his room XD
Tik Lam's bro..Fut Yuen a.k.a Shawn..damn cutee!!! form 2 and he's taller than me already T__T
Tik Lam covering his shy face while Wei Lon and Miaw Fen touching his hair..
He really looks like Doraemon eh?
my family =) *Tik Lam look so funny*
and I love them very much
look at Tik Lam's hand!! Issshhh!
Issshhh!! Why again!!
It was really fun to actually have a visit to fwen's house like that..I love the gossips we had today..We're all still the same..no changes..I'm glad about tt =)..I love my choir members..One Team One Voice..

Next,Wei Lon fetch me and Miaw Fen back to skl..then I went to Kah Men's house cz CJ keep calling and ask me to reach earlier..haha! Kah Men and CJ taught me 18++ stuff..*dun act stupid,I know you guys know wat is it* MY GOD! I'm no longer lil girl T__T got polluted liao!! Haha..Wait..I got polluted since form 2 when I mixed with "2A4 Gangster"..haha..CJ and I keep eating in Kah Men's house..We even accidentally ate expired food =_=..Sum Hooi came late..

We gamble..play cards and mahjong..CJ say "It's chinese tradition to must gamble evry CNY"..O.o serious? Anyway rmb that Wen Jie taught me mahjong when we came bak frm our Genting trip last month? I nvr won b4..but today..MUAHAHA I won 8 times!!! Woooo-hooooo EIGHT TIMES weyy!! Damn syok..

Too bad Chin Ming,Wen Jie,Leon and Calvin couldn't join us today..you guys are missing lots of fun!! No pics in Kah Men's house bcz we were too busy playing~ We played mahjong for 9 hours..LOL..Play mahjong really "jing shen"! XD

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