
Life Is A Process

January 22, 2010

I’m back to my college life..8hours of college..besides studying,eating,sleeping,and playing computers I don’t know what else I can do..Can’t wait till I graduate though =/

Yesterday,while I was eating in the cafeteria I was approached by two girls..she knows my name and which school I’m from..She said she’s a senior of mine but I don’t know her >.< I think she might be reading my blog now haha!

Anyway she was looking for 50models for a fashion theme catwalk and asked me if I would do it..I’m not sure if I can because it is on a Tuesday evening and I sket I’m too tired xDIMG_0223.jpgcopy

Most of you might have already seen this in my facebook..yeah this is one of the photo shoot I did with Amber Chia few weeks ago..I just got the picture recently =) There are more pictures though..will upload when I’m free^^

Skipped Chemistry class today..It’s gonna be a busy weekend for me..

I’m looking for guys who are interested to be my accompany for the upcoming modelling..anyone?

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