If you guys haven't already know,my first dog,小白 just passed away..I remember I first held him 11 years ago..I named him 小白..I gave it to my grandmother to take care as my house were smaller before I moved..I was shocked to hear the news..My cousin said:就因为小白之前可能自己在外面散步时割伤吧就不知道为什么身上开始腐烂。。有洞了!!身体烂下半身也烂完。。然后有虫我知道它是很痛那个,过后就叫兽医来看也有一个星期了,然后那天无端端脚又有洞了。。其实是有吃药喷要的,但不知道为什么星期六半夜小白就。。。。T.T一来可能小白也老了。。对小白来说是解脱吧!?但很舍不得呢。。。。I miss 小白 already..I miss him..I didn't have a picture of him I think..It's all in my old...
It's my second time working for Panasonic and this time,I was sent to Panasonic Air-Conditioning Factory at Shah Alam(Shah Alam again =_=)I only worked 2 days! =DMs Kim sent this to me and asked me to go myself..It was quite dangerous lor! It's a factory and all the huge sized lorry going in and out the factory..who knows if an air-cond just fell...
I AM GOING TO MTV WORLD STAGE THIS SATURDAY!!! *screams*I am super desperate to attend the MTV World StageGet to see Bunk Face,Katy Perry,Tokio Hotel and Wonder Girls!!Katy Perry tweeted "GOOD EVENING MALAYSIA!!! I'm so excited to be here for the first time performing for MTV's world stage!!!"Thanks to Nataneal for getting me the tickets to MTV World Stage!!Can't wait for MTV World...
If you read my blog you know that I restock my Mamee Sllrrrp recently,and you'll know I love Mamee Sllrrrp♥that's me unwrapping the Mamee Sllrrrpthe first thing I learn to cook when I was 15 was instant noodles..I'm sure most of the people also lor!*blowblow* hot hot! Sllrrrp~I know you want it! My cooking rocks! selfpraise LOLthen Chin Ming came and pick me...
Jason bought me the M&M chocolates he bought from Langkawi Island! OMG it's super addictive! I can't stop munching it!Why don't they sell it over here? T____TEven Hippy wants it..Jason opened the packet and gave me this chocolate jarHow can you resist it?it's awesome lor!! What a pity they don't sell it in any other places except Singapore and Langkawi Island,that I know...
Every week,I will have dim sum in the morning with Jason..Only he who I know love dim sum,who willingly to drive me around and can wake up early to accompany me for breakfast xD Oh I love waking up in the morning for dim sum xDprawn shaomaiI don't know what is this call but it's yum yum!hong kong chee cheong funthis is my...