
Bubba Gump And The Expendables With Nataneal

September 03, 2010

So long did not hang out with Nataneal already..well..it felt like a long time since we used to meet up few times a week :P Can't believe time flies! Nataneal is leaving to UK soon! I must hang out more often with him!

I quickly take sunglasses to wear as he was wearing one and posing with his car outside my house LOL
we had dinner at Bubba Gump Restaurant..first time there..
famous verse from "Forrest Gump" the movie
awesome restaurant..the design in nice..
when you put this sign,the waitress or waiter won't stop by to ask what you need
but when u turn to this,the waitress or waiter will stop and ask what you need..
Nataneal ordered Guava juice while I ordered Apple Juice
I had this..waliuh eh I can't finish it =__=
while Nataneal had this..
all the chillies bottle XD

After dinner,we headed to cinema to watch "The Expendables"
lmao it's damn funny! Nataneal and I had a good laugh haha! I know it's on screen for quite some time but I didn't have the time to watch..

Went home straight after the movie..wanted to go for dessert but it was too late..the shops were closed..I was so tired..came home and sleep already..

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  1. ohhh so envy u can go bubba gum, i have never try it yet... anyway, expendables still playing in cinema? its good that u enjoyed the show :)

  2. the one you're having looks so cheesy haha i've always wanted to try but never had the chance to ):

  3. >Henry: I also first time going Bubba Gump that time :P Yeah The Expendables still playing in cinema :P

    >Luporti: I had this one at Sunway Pyramid :)

    >Hilma Milda: yeah I chose it cz it has shrimps + crab meat XD


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