
Coffee Session With Nuffies

September 24, 2010

Every month,Nuffnang will organize a "Coffee Session With Nuffies" and I am one of the lucky four to be invited over to their office this month..

I had food poisoning yesterday..Ate KFC from KLIA then vomit whole night and didn't have appetite to eat anything after that,also,had some breathing difficulties =/ But still,I forced myself to attend the Coffee Session today..Couldn't drive so have to trouble my mom to fetch me to their office..

Luckily Henry Lee was also one of the four..or else I wouldn't have any accompany..I waited for him before going up to the Nuffnang office..took off my shoes and was surprised to see Steven there as well LMAO..

sorry for my sick-looking face..I tried to "colour" my face with make up already

We were welcomed by Xin Xian,one of the Nuffies..she greeted us with warm greetings and offered us drinks :) We talked,chatted and laughed with Rachel,one of the Nuffies too..
snapped with Rachel's Blackberry
and left our footprints there..
beside Henry XD
Photo session with Nuffies :D Clockwise from left : Henry Lee,Liki,Xin Xian,Rachel,Steven and Che Armster
so cute right the board? colourful LMAO
Last but not least,the picture of me with the board

I have to leave early because my mom was waiting for me downstairs and also,to avoid a massive jam at peak hour..But I guess I can't avoid it..It took me 2 hours to reach home LOL! Then I have to prepare for dinner with family..It's my Mom's and Dad's Wedding Anniversary today :)

Overall,I had a great time visiting the Nuffnang Orange Office..they were friendly and warm :) Too bad attending the Coffee Session with Nuffies will only be "once in a life time" thing as we were told..If you had a chance,do visit Nuffnang Office :)

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  1. to be able to congratulate a friend along with nuffnang....

  2. I saw my little blue post-it note on the nuffnang's board! :D

  3. >Wanzie : :)

    >Vin Tsen Gan : Oh when you went for Coffee? :)

  4. waaaa so nice that you get the opportunity to go there (:

  5. U can try also..go for Coffee Sessions this month lah ^^


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