I did my CELS191 GLM 1 with Kai Wei and her friends (7 of them) in Central Library today ! GLM is short-form for Guided Learning Module where we have to take an online test (open-book) regarding the course..BUT,it has only one attempt and it's freaking 10% !So you need to do it with more people (more brain power)..even though we have 9...
Went to my second Food Science lab class today :D Guess what we did?fruit salad ! - Banana + apple + orange + lemon juice + orange juice ! So healthy ! We always get to eat and cook in Food Science lab..it may seemed fun but it's stressful because you need to finish cooking within short amount of time !Had hot strawberry...
Angela bought Domino's Pizza for Davence,boyfriend and I for dinner ! It was raining heavily today so I didn't went to do grocery T_T Since Angela coming over to boyfriend's flat,she bought pizza for everyone :D So nice XDit's been such a long time since I had a slice of pizza from Domino =XMonday,March 28,2011Monday is always blue day eh? Need more desserts...
It was HUBS191 Term Test today and my exam hall was at College Auditorium,which is like damn far away =____= Woke up an hour early to get myself prepared and then went to my exam hall XDExam was only for an hour but I was so nervous ! Hopefully I did well ! XDAfter that,I went back and get changed to a nicer...
Thursday,March 24,2011Seriously I think I'm going to spam my blogs with foods I eat here LMAO ! Nothing much to blog about because my university life is just another ordinary life and I use pictures to blog..and weird thing is,people here don't take pictures (Don't ask me why..I also want to know why)had Salmon + tuna mini sushi for lunch ! Nahhhhh not...
Today,I had something more satisfying :DVelvet burger for lunch ! Every Tuesday,it's two for a price of one ! So I bought and then share with my boyfriend :Dred bean soup ! Ahhhh so asian :D I'm loving it ! Drinking hot soup during the cold weather is awesome ^^I went to Science library to do my Food Science report until 11.00pm because...
Ever since I came to New Zealand,I've been trying to save money badly..Every cent I spent I felt so heartache =X So today,I'm just gonna eat bread ! Save more money!!Morning - egg + bread + potato saladLunch - bread + baked beans + eggsBread is actually quite filling..2 pieces of bread can make me full ! Save money and save foods !...
Remember back in November last year,I did a boutique product shooting ? Yeap it's up in the website already ! Actually it was up a week after I did the shooting but I was busy going out with friends,party and didn't have time to blog about this !Coconini.com is an online store which have been founded and established since 2008 .. Love asian...
It's finally weekend and we all deserves good treat eh? I just want to rest and relax after a long tiring week of studying..University life is more relaxing compared to my A-levels life although things we learn now is harder and we have more responsibility but it's just not all about exams XD I miss my life in Malaysia though..wanna party and watch...