
End Of Semester One

June 03, 2011

It has finally come to an end. I have completed my course in semester one. Fast eh? Feels like not long since I came to New Zealand and now I have already completed my course in semester one.


It was quite a hectic Friday for me, partly because of my disorganized schedule. I got mixed up myself with dates of Chemistry workshop and I thought it clashes with my evening Chemistry class and I thought there isn't any HUBS class today then I pushes all my class to morning. I only had 1 hour lunch and break. Then I found out the Chemistry workshop is tomorrow and there is HUBS class in the late evening for last class. =________= So I need to wake up early and end class late. LMAO

So now, I'm currently blogging in the Science library because I have already attended Chemistry and CELS class in the morning. Taking my 2 hours break after things I've been through in the morning. Haha. Silly me.

Since today is the last lectures and labs, it's alright =)

The weather today is the coldest I've experienced. It was 3.5 degree celsius this morning *shivers* Winter has started ! T_____T

I still have last lecture today which is at 5.00pm later. Gonna continue stoning in the library for one and a half hours.

Oh, finals are coming up on 10th June for HUBS191, 13th June for CELS191, 15th June for CHEM191 and 21st June for FOSC111.
Wish me lots of luck!

I need it T_T

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  1. Giving you lots of luck! All the best in surviving yr finals and the cold weather (: Do take care!

  2. study smart okay! goodluck! jaga kesihatan. :)

  3. Thank you :) I will jaga ^^Y

  4. jyeahh..wisihng you the best of luck! :D

  5. >Jayren : thank you! Catch up with you after exam :)

    >Aini : thanks :)

  6. Good Luck, so how is doing now LOL? :P

    heard that u got exam coming up too! More lucks to u!

  7. Now having study break lor >.<

    yeah wey ! Finals is like less than 5 days ! Thanks btw :)


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