
Holiday Day Twelve - Hibernate

July 03, 2011

Didn't really do much today..All I did was just woke up, eat, online, bath, online, eat, online and sleep..

Holiday is so relaxing :)

Oh by the way, have you heard of Soap & Glory before? It's a brand from UK. Recently I bought one set of Soap & Glory products including spray on body moisturing mist, sexy motherpucker lip gloss, body lotion with smoothing fruit acids, and body softening thermal scrub from online shop. Can't really get much stuff from shop here in Dunedin and besides, it's gonna be more expensive in retail.
So now, I'm currently using the product =) It's awesome ! I wonder if you can get it back in Malaysia (cause I know everything in Malaysia is far more cheaper than things I can get it here)

I'm so loving Soap&Glory. I'm gonna ask my friend from UK to bring it back for me. Can't wait to let my mom try it. She'll love it too. It smells so good and the lip gloss moisturiser is just what I need for dry and cold Winter.

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  1. How much does a set of that cost you? (: I like the packaging.

  2. I bought it for $50 including shipping..It's cheaper than buying it UK though =X Yeah I love the packaging too ! :D


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