
Happy Birthday Little Brother

October 31, 2011
It was my little brother's birthday yesterday and it's so sad I can't be at home celebrating with him. Sigh. Anyway, woke up this morning and saw the pictures he posted on Facebook.OMG I AM SO JEALOUS OF THE CAKE!!!Why so damn cute wan???I WANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!My mom so cute!! The cake she buy for each one of us on our birthday is very...

Relaxing After Exam (Not Me)

October 30, 2011
The blog post title is not meant for me T_T Everyone finishes their exam today but I still have one last paper which is 12 more days from today. FML. But the party mode is ON. Need to control myself though=.=Went to Rainforrest Restaurant (Malaysian Cuisine) to have last lunch with some of the Malaysian friends before they leave Malaysia. All are boyfriend's...

True Friends Never Serene

October 27, 2011
Sorry for being MIA xD I am Featured Blogger of Nuffnang this October but I didn't constantly update my blog! Sorry to my readers T.T I promise I will make it up after my finals ok? Don't give up on me :)I just finished my second paper, Biochemistry yesterday ! Boy oh boy, they said Biochemistry is the hardest paper ever. Hopefully I...

I'm Gonna Be Lonely

October 23, 2011
Was just browsing through my Facebook and stalking my friends haha. Suddenly, I just miss Nataneal.(ignore that random behind =.=)The guy who is not pure Chinese but speaks Chinese better than me LOL. I'm so gonna miss him when I go back Malaysia this holiday. For the past 7 months of my holiday before I came to NZ, he took me out to...

All Blacks

October 21, 2011
Rugby World Cup is currently held in New Zealand and the best thing is, All Blacks team (NZ team) are in the finals !!!! I hope they can bring back the World Cup and make New Zealand proud. Somehow makes me feel proud as well because, erm, I'm in a country where they win World Cup? Haha.I think their haka is pretty cool....

Exam Period

October 19, 2011
Final examination officially starts this Friday !21st of October 2011: Human Body System26th of October 2011: Biochemistry7th of November 2011: BiostatisticsI'm so stressed !!! *hidingmyselfwithasmileypillow* nuffnang_bid = "adad050d9e5c2183887c056ebe400d7d"; ...

Some People Can't Help Being Thin

October 16, 2011
Have you heard before this term 吃不胖 (direct translate from Chinese: Eat not fat) ? It basically means no matter how much you eat, you'll never gain weight (or at least not much of a difference).I was real fat when I was still a baby and in kindergarten but things has become opposite when I grew up. Since primary school until now, people...

You Have Feet In Your Shoes

October 13, 2011
Unless you are smart enough to figure out the meaning of the title of my blog, this post is about:A) finishing my first year and that I am the one who decide where to goB) my secret love affair with shoes"So I killed two birds with one stone" xDIt's officially the last day of class today! Hoooorayyyy...No more Biochemistry or Human Anatomy lectures,...

Lunch At Huntsman Steakhouse

October 11, 2011
Apparently Huntsman Steakhouse is the best restaurant that serves steak here in Dunedin. We had our first visit in this restaurant today because we got a special voucher from TreatMe =)This week is actually my last week of lectures/classes/lab. Actually my Biostatistics classes are ceased already and it's just revision for Biochemistry and last lecture today for Human Anatomy. I chose to go...

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