At the beginning

June 09, 2015

Hello :)

I hope everyone is doing well. Just dropping by for a lil update..I am back in Malaysia!! I will only be back here for a few weeks so I'll try to update and catch up as much as possible here. Things tend to get a little busier when I'm in New Zealand lol.

Earlier this year, my grandfather passed away. My family trip was cancelled and I also postponed the starting date of my course because of this reason.

I still remember the first day when I arrived at Auckland. I was nervous. Scared. Don't know if I can survive by myself. I don't really know where should I go. I found a flat on TradeMe but I don't know where is it. I kept checking the address that I wrote on my luggage tag. When queuing to clear custom, I changed to my NZ SIM card and tried to contact my friend who is supposed to picked me up. Then, I realised my phone has no credit. Luckily, there is 30 minutes free WiFi at Auckland airport! In addition, it took me almost two hours to clear custom. I was so tired at that point. My leg is still bruised from kneeling on the road as part of Chinese funeral custom. And it's all fine..because..I'm so grateful that my friend managed to find me, picked me up, took me out for a good dinner meal, brought me to groceries to get essentials and took me back to my flat.

It was approximately 10.00pm when I arrived at my flat. I was welcomed by a heart-warming couple. They were waiting for my arrival. They helped me to carry some of my stuff in, and we had a little ice-breaker session. They looked like really nice people. I was feeling tired so I excused myself to take a shower, which I have been yearning for. It struck me then, I still haven't unpack my stuff. I am starting my placement tomorrow. In my head, I'm thinking "I hope tomorrow's orientation would go well." I checked my email to find out where and what time we are meeting - it says North Shore Hospital at 8.30am. I then went to bed after having a Skype conversation with my family.

I woke up early in the morning to prepare for my orientation. At 8.00am, I checked my email just to confirm again. It says - Otago House at 8.30am. OMG. I'm in trouble! It takes me 5 minutes to walk to North Shore Hospital but 50 minutes to bus to Otago House. I immediately ran outside my flat. Then, I realised I don't know how to take a bus to Otago House. Where is the bus stop? What bus number should I take? FML. I quickly used Google Maps app on my phone and it told me to walk to somewhere (later on I realised there's a bus station nearby where I bus to most places LOL). I got on to the bus and I checked my email again. I'm screwed. The latest email actually said to meet at North Shore Hospital at 8.30am. Something was wrong with reading emails on my phone. Anyway, I got off the next station and ran to North Shore Hospital. Did I make it? YESSSSS! I was there ON TIME!
My heels hurt so bad. My flats were soaked with bloods.

But the rest was history =)

In the first half of the year, I was at Auckland the whole time for my hospital placement. And I'm proud to say that I've completed and passed every assessment in the placement! So happy =) I've met a lot of people along the way, and they have helped me to get to know myself better too. Sometimes you just need to see yourself through others. From them, I begin to noticed things that I have not thought about myself before, and this realisation changes the way that I viewed the world.

It was a tough beginning. It probably didn't start out at the best way but I think it's the process that counts. And it makes a good ending =)

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  1. It's great to see you back both blog and Msia. Congratss for completing one of if not the most memorable piece of puzzle n now there is this greater, stronger although still the same size Li Kee. Have fun!

  2. Thanks Chun Hui. I appreciate your feedback and hope you are doing well yourself =)


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