
That Number

August 24, 2015

It was raining whole day today.

I was heading to the office at late evening after attending the OUSA Supervisors of the Year Function. I needed to finish up some work that I left off. I walked towards the automatic door but it didn't open. Oh right. It was after hours.

I needed my swipe card access.

YES! I have it with me.

And I scanned it.

Hmmm. It asked for a door access PIN. Each swipe card has a unique door access PIN and we got it on a slip with our student ID at the start of the year.

I searched for the slip in my wallet. I couldn't find it.

It was getting cold. I am gonna try and key in any number that I can think of at that moment.

0000 (am I able to reset it?)
(after 10 minutes)

YES! That feeling of accomplishment.

Luckily it wasn't those annoying security where they only allow 3 tries and locked me out.

So I walked in happily.

But what was that number that I just keyed in?

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  1. hyee there ! Blogwalking here

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