
Happy Birthday #1 Pink Latte

October 31, 2008
It's my 169th post today..and it's been a year since I've started writing in Pink Latte..It's jus a place 4 me 2 express my feelings,a place 4 me 2 keep my pictures and abt wat happened on that particular day..sorry if I did offend any of u..I didn't mean to offend any1 here..jus my point of view so I don't need any of...

You had me at Hello

October 25, 2008
Hey..haven't been here for quite sum time..can you believe it?It's almost the end of da yr..and I'm graduating next friday..AND SPM is anthr 17 more days!oh no..I'm so worried tt I couldn't finished evrything by then..sigh..It's stress-awareness month so I must relax..chill..Last friday I went bak 2 choir practise..Well,I do plan 2 visit choir 4 da last time b4 v graduate..Raymond msg-ed me...

The Cave

October 19, 2008
Chin Ming called and asked whether I wanna join him 4 dinner..He said he's picking me up around 6sumthing..and THEN he say he's reaching my hse around 5sumthing..=_=..Nvm,at least I'm prepared..haha..dunno why evrywhere was jam tdy..Finally dined at The Cave..reli in the cave..3rd floor..O.o..lalalalalaaa~~dark dark..Chin Ming n Likida pillow Chin Ming wanna hug..cheese!tables..hmmmm..cave..weeeeeeeeeeeSpaghetti2 pairs of couple and 1 pair of good fwens..more like...

Boon Wei and Eng Yuan's Birthday Surprise

October 18, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TAN BOON WEI AND TAN ENG YUAN!!!!weeeeeeeeee~~surprise!!!too bad quite many couldn't make it..alar..nvm..at least many ppl turned up..Anyway..whole day..RUSH RUSH RUSH..haha..and I did put my hand up high!!Astin u saw rite?lol..wish for..cool candle..Boon Wei u did it so fast leh..Eng Yuan n Astinthe couple - Eng Yuan and AstinBoon Wei and LikiBoon Wei,Wei Ji and LikiWei Ji#1 Boon Wei's front#2...

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