
First Day Of Class,Last Day Of Summer

February 28, 2011

It's the first day of class in University of Otago :D I saw my class timetable..it was horrible T_T I have to wake up 8am everyday and long breaks plus few hours of classes until 6.00pm ! I thought university life would be more relax..

I need time to adapt..That's because I had 7 months long holiday since I finished Cambridge A-levels T___T

After class,I decided to take picture around the campus ! It's the last day of Summer too..it's gonna be Autumn tomorrow! *shivers*

Chee Li Kee
the famous clock tower building
Chee Li Kee
I will be walking pass this building EVERY WEEKDAYS
Chee Li Kee
weather was really good today..it wasn't very cold but it's not hot too!
Chee Li Kee
look at those clouds!
Chee Li Kee
taking pictures with the green in New Zealand is a MUST!
Chee Li Kee
love my Sketchers Shape-Up shoes :D
Chee Li Kee
the sky looks so fake!
Chee Li Kee
at the field in front of my Uni
Chee Li Kee
wide field eh?
colourful flowers!
Calvin said "looks like the chicken feather brush" LOL
bright yellow and orange!
pure white

There's many other colours of flower that I see everyday :D If got chance,I will take and post it in my blog ^^ Autumn's coming and the weather is getting really cold everyday XD my fingers and toes are like freezing and my ears hurt! Going to get gloves and ear muff ! Off to study revision! Classes tomorrow! Stress! Stress! Stress!

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  1. Wow! You are so lucky you get to go to college in New Zealand!!!!!! Where are you from originally? What are you going to school for? The flowers are beautiful!!!!!!! :)

  2. Thank you :D I'm from Malaysia ^^ I'm doing a degree in Human Nutritions in New Zealand :)yes the flowers are really beautiful :D

  3. The flowers are beautiful =D

  4. yeah ! Feels so good seeing it everyday haha

  5. Wow thats awesome! :) I live in a city where eating only organic and healthy food is very common. I truly believe that a person can heal their body just by eating a healthy diet. Good for you! :)

  6. that's good ! I never been to a city that eats only organic and healthy food >.< but well,that's why I'm doing a degree in Human Nutrition XD

  7. those flowers look so great ~~

  8. yeah! But it's like dying already because Summer ended..now is the beginning of Autumn T_T


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