Yeeehawwww! I was lucky that I managed to get FREE tickets to watch the New Zealand's Got Talent 2012 LIVE! They were having auditions in down at Reagent Theater, Octagon. My free pass =D I also managed to get another 2 tickets so I thought I invite two of my blogger friends since they came to Dunedin for holiday! I asked boyfriend to...
I guess this is belated post for his belated birthday haha. So, where should I start? I know Ethan since 2010, before I came to New Zealand, was one of the first friends (besides Siew Lee and Kah Yenn). I'm so happy four of us still meet up once in a while to catch up. Although each of us went separate ways, we...
Hello everyone! I'm back into blogging! Well, not exactly. I'm sorry for the bad "missing-in-action" habits that I'm so used to. It is really hard to keep myself writing all the time! Someone told me "hey, writing a blog could improve on your writing sills". My subjects in second semester are starting to be more assignment-based, hence I think I might start blogging...