It was raining whole day today. I was heading to the office at late evening after attending the OUSA Supervisors of the Year Function. I needed to finish up some work that I left off. I walked towards the automatic door but it didn't open. Oh right. It was after hours. I needed my swipe card access. YES! I have it with me....
I am trying to hold my tears as I am writing this post. But I failed. This post is dedicated to my good friend, Wong Teng Jong, who is a bright, kind, smart and humble guy that I first met back in 2009. Teng Jong was my closest friend in college. I met Teng Jong at Sunway University College when we were doing...
This is where it started, To build the life that I wanted, I worked and worked, To make things worked. Years gone by, I still ain't no perfect, Telling myself a lie, To mask a fact. Here I am again, Wondering where to begin, In the middle of nowhere, Pretend to find myself there. ...
Two weeks ago, I was sent up to Red Beach for my hospital placement. Prior to this, I have never heard of or been to Red Beach before. Thanks to the advance technology, I can use Google Maps to plan my journey. When I had a look at it, it says that it will take about 1 hour 10 minutes one-way. There isn't...
Hello :) I hope everyone is doing well. Just dropping by for a lil update..I am back in Malaysia!! I will only be back here for a few weeks so I'll try to update and catch up as much as possible here. Things tend to get a little busier when I'm in New Zealand lol. Earlier this year, my grandfather passed away. My...
I was cleaning up my closet the other day and I found a cheongsam that I bought a few years ago. And then, it struck me, I did not wear them for almost 3 years now! (More from link) I really like cheongsam and I hope I can wear them all the time other than during Chinese New Year. Cheongsam has always been...
Have you ever not wanted to go back to a certain place or look for that someone just because you want to remember how it was used to be? ...
Have you heard of a lip tattoo before? It is not this... Image source: Google Or this... Image source: Google Introducing the Shizens Lip Tattoo!! Let's take a look at this product. Revealing the packaging of the Shizens Lip Tattoo. (There's only 1 tube in 1 box. The photo above was taken with two tubes as I have two) The packaging is rather...