
That Number

August 24, 2015
It was raining whole day today. I was heading to the office at late evening after attending the OUSA Supervisors of the Year Function. I needed to finish up some work that I left off. I walked towards the automatic door but it didn't open. Oh right. It was after hours. I needed my swipe card access. YES! I have it with me....

You will always be one of the best part of my memories

August 14, 2015
I am trying to hold my tears as I am writing this post. But I failed. This post is dedicated to my good friend, Wong Teng Jong, who is a bright, kind, smart and humble guy that I first met back in 2009. Teng Jong was my closest friend in college. I met Teng Jong at Sunway University College when we were doing...


July 09, 2015
This is where it started, To build the life that I wanted, I worked and worked, To make things worked. Years gone by, I still ain't no perfect, Telling myself a lie, To mask a fact. Here I am again, Wondering where to begin, In the middle of nowhere, Pretend to find myself there. ...

Move On

June 15, 2015
Two weeks ago, I was sent up to Red Beach for my hospital placement. Prior to this, I have never heard of or been to Red Beach before. Thanks to the advance technology, I can use Google Maps to plan my journey. When I had a look at it, it says that it will take about 1 hour 10 minutes one-way. There isn't...

At the beginning

June 09, 2015
Hello :) I hope everyone is doing well. Just dropping by for a lil update..I am back in Malaysia!! I will only be back here for a few weeks so I'll try to update and catch up as much as possible here. Things tend to get a little busier when I'm in New Zealand lol. Earlier this year, my grandfather passed away. My...

Where did my Cheongsam go?

April 28, 2015
I was cleaning up my closet the other day and I found a cheongsam that I bought a few years ago. And then, it struck me, I did not wear them for almost 3 years now! (More from link) I really like cheongsam and I hope I can wear them all the time other than during Chinese New Year. Cheongsam has always been...

Have you?

March 16, 2015
Have you ever not wanted to go back to a certain place or look for that someone just because you want to remember how it was used to be?   ...

Shizens Lip Tattoo Review

January 15, 2015
Have you heard of a lip tattoo before? It is not this... Image source: Google Or this... Image source: Google Introducing the Shizens Lip Tattoo!! Let's take a look at this product. Revealing the packaging of the Shizens Lip Tattoo. (There's only 1 tube in 1 box. The photo above was taken with two tubes as I have two) The packaging is rather...

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