Choir Practice!

March 14, 2008

V had choir practice as usual tdy..It's starts frm 1pm-4pm..Usual practise is seriously boring but it's soooo different when Mon Wei is here..Muaxx muaxx Mon WEi!!I miss u!!!

Anyway,she make us do exercise n warm up..(Better than us running in da field last yr)..well..exercise n warming up is a fast n efective way 2 open ur voice..

mama-me-CJ(love triangle)
Cj drawing..
#1Mon wei-me-Nian Xin
#2Mon Wei-me-Nian Xin
mama got sunburn..
Yoon Leen-Me
mama busy..I kacau-ing..

Lastly..Best Photo Of The Day:

good nite ppl..chiaoo..

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