April 19, 2008Evryday is an exciting day..So when I stop update 4 a few days,I lost track..der's so much happenings..especially when u're in 5s5..For da 1st week of collecting newspaper,our class achieved 530+kg..which is currently leading..1st day of collecting newspaper,v sucked..not even 100kg..so Keenen went in front n gave speech..he motivate us 2 bring MORE newspaper in order 2 WIN!n well..2nd day v got 240kg n finally tdy,530+kg..Tt's like so insane..many class say "5S5 is crazy...." LOL..NO wonder ppl say our class had a close community n v worked tghr..
It's true..Sumhow,I thnk Chun Hui is right..I heard him 1 day..not tt I wanna curi dengar or wat..but I heard lar..he day..our class is reli smart..v study..v party..v hav fun!..BUT..evry1 of us actually has attitude prob..Ok..mayb not evry1 but ALMOST evry1..dun understand wat I mean?observe urself..
Anyway,dis week,evrytime I pass by bio lab..I feel like throwing up..cz..da f6 were actually disecting white mouse..OMG..tt Kai Lin lar..she wanted 2 disect mouse sooo much..ARGH..I jus feel like throwing up..How many white mouse in da world 4 u 2 disect?Wun extinct meh?run white mouse!!run!!
cute laptop cover!!
Tdy in class..evry1 suddenly bcum so childish..playing dadu..one..two..juice!LOL..n those kinda stuff u play when u're in primary skl..me n KH communicate in a special way during BM..I drew dis..XD..
silly but cute..
special way 2 communicate..XP
Btw,looking thru fwens blog n saw dis(da tag tt I make Bobo 2 do):
10.) What do you think of the person who tagged you? Okay la. Nice person. Like to waste more of my time
Ahem..I wasting ur time meh..=_=..but sounds funny 2 me..LOL..
AHHH...tml gotto go skl for da Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang which is like..compulsory for ALL form 5 & Upper 6..Choir meeting was fun tdy..not goin details in 2 it..It's a surprise for all choir members..
As I was fliping thru sej textbook,n Koon Rui show me sumthing..I saw dis..doesn't he looks like Mr.Michael?